TimeEntry Service
TimeEntryDto : TimeEntrySaveDto
Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten zu einem Zeiteintrag.
Datatype | Name | Description |
String | ProjectName | Name of the project that is used by the time entry |
String | TaskName | Name of the task that is used by the time entry. |
Double | WorkTime | Amount of work time in hours |
Double | Leave | Amount of leave in hours |
Double | Sick | Amount of sick time in hours |
Double | DrivingTime | Amount of driving time in hours |
Double | OnCallServiceTime | Amount of on call service time in hours |
Double | TakenOvertime | Amount of taken overtime in hours |
Long | BackgroundColor | Background colour of the project that gets tracked. |
Long | TextColor | Text colour of the project that gets tracked. |
Guid | UserId | Id of the user dependent TimePunch Profile |
String | CustomerName | Name of the customer that has been set for the time entry. |
String | CustomerRefNr | Ref.Nr. of the customer that has been set for the time entry |
Guid | CustomerId | Unique customer Id |
Bool | IsVirtual | True, if the time entry is only a virtual entry, like weekend, missing workday etc. |
Double | DurationAsDay | Duration of the time entry in relation to the workday |
String | ProjectDescription | Description of the project referenced by the time entry |
String | TaskNameId | Business driven task id |
String | TaskDescription | Description of the task referenced by the time entry |
UserProfileDto | CreatedBy | Information about the user who created the time entry. |
UserProfileDto | LastUpdatedBy | Information about the user who last updated the time entry. |
TimeEntryCopiesDto : TimeEntrySaveDto
Diese Klasse enthält zusätzliche Einstellungen um einen Serieneintrag zu speichern.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Weekdays | Weekdays | Enumeration of weekdays on that the series shall be created |
Diese Klasse wird zum suchen von Zeiteintragsfiltern verwendet.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Confidentiality | Confidentiality | Searches for time entry filters with the following confidentiality. Undefined = 0 (search private and public) Private = 1 Public = 2 |
Bool | DeepLoad | True, if the filter shall be returned with all dependencies (projects/tasks/customers) |
Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten zum eingeschränkten Modifizieren eines Zeiteintrags. D.h. es werden keine vollen Änderungsrechte benötigt.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | Id | Unique ID of the active time entry |
DateTime | LastUpdate | Time stamp of the last update |
Guid | ProjectId | Unique project Id of the time entry |
Guid | TaskId | Unique Task Id of the time entry |
String | Description | The description of the time entry |
Guid | CustomerId | Unique customer Id |
Bool | IsImportant | True, if the time entry has been marked as important. This will force the project report to show the description. |
Bool | IsOnSite | True, if the time entry has been marked as onsite. |
Bool | IsNotInvoiced | True, if the current entry gets not invoiced at all. |
Diese Klasse wird bei Speicheroperationen zurückgeliefert. Sie enthält das Ergebnis der Speicheroperation, sowie die gespeicherten Daten selbst.
Datatype | Name | Description |
TimeEntrySaveResult | Result | The result of the save operation. NotSaved = -1, Ok = 0, BreakEnforced = 1, EmptyBreakEntry = 2 |
List\<TimeEntryDto> | TimeEntries | List that contains the stored time entries. |
Diese Klasse enthält die Basisdaten zum Speichern eines Zeiteintrags.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | ProjectId | Unique project Id of the time entry |
Guid | TaskId | Unique Task Id of the time entry |
String | LogonName | Dependent TimePunch Profile |
DateTime | LogonTime | Logon time stamp of the time entry |
DateTime | LogoffTime | Logoff time stamp of the time entry |
Double | Duration | Complete duration of the time entry |
String | Description | The description of the time entry |
Bool | HasBeenPaid | Flag that defines if the time entry has been marked as paid. |
TimeEntryType | Usage | Define the type of the time entry (WorkTime, DrivingTime, Leave, Sickness, TakeOvertime, BankHoliday, OfficialBankHoliday, Weekend) |
Double | BreakTime | Amount of break time in hours |
Guid | CustomerId | Unique customer Id |
Bool | IsImportant | True, if the time entry has been marked as important. This will force the project report to show the description. |
Bool | IsOnSite | True, if the time entry has been marked as onsite. |
Bool | IsNotInvoiced | True, if the time entry gets not invoiced at all. |
String | LogonOrigin | Defines the system with that the user logged in to TimePunch |
String | LogoffOrigin | Defines the system with that the user logged of from TimePunch |
Double? | LogonLatitude | GPS Latitude of the Logon |
Double? | LogonLongitude | GPS Longitude of the Logon |
Double? | LogonGeoAccuracy | GPS Accuracy in meters |
String | LogonGeoAddress | GPS Logon Address |
Double? | LogoffLatitude | GPS Latitude of the Logoff |
Double? | LogoffLongitude | GPS Longitude of the Logoff |
Double? | LogoffGeoAccuracy | GPS Accuracy in meters |
String | LogoffGeoAddress | GPS Logoff Address |
Double | CutTime | The cutted time of the time entry |
Guid | SiblingId | The id of a sibling entry used for merging time entries |
String | TechnicalTags | This field can be used by modules to mark a time entry or add additional info to the entry. |
bool | IsDeleted | Technical flag whether to delete the current time entry (instead of saving it) |
TimeEntrySearchDto : PagingContextDto
Mit Hilfe dieser Klasse wird ein Filter zum Suchen von Zeiteinträgen definiert. Die Klasse ist vom PagingContextDto abgeleitet.
Datatype | Name | Description |
String | ReportTitle | Title of the time entry search filter |
Confidentiality | Confidentiality | Defines if the time entry search filter is private or public – means only accessible by the person who created it, or accessible for all users. |
DateTime | LogonTime | Search time entries starting with the given logon time |
DateTime | LogoffTime | Search time entries through the given logoff time |
TimeEntry-SearchPayment | Payment | Defines the type of the entries to search (SearchAllEntries, PaidEntries, NonPaidEntries) |
List\<Guid> | FilteredProjects | If null, all projects will be returned. If the collection is empty, nothing will be returned. If the collection is filled with project ids, only entries with the given project ids will be returned. |
List\<Guid> | FilteredTasks | If null, all tasks will be returned. If the collection is empty, nothing will be returned. If the collection is filled with task ids, only entries with the given task ids will be returned. |
List\<Guid> | FilteredUsers | If null or empty, the data of the current user will be returned. If the collection is filled, only entries with the given user ids will be returned. |
Bool | ShowPublicHolidays | True, if public holidays shall be returned for the given time frame. |
Bool | ShowWeekends | True, if the weekends shall be returned for the given time frame. |
Bool | ShowBreaks | True, if the break times shall be shown. |
Bool | ShowWorkingTime | True, if the working times shall be shown. |
List\<Guid> | FilteredCustomers | If null or empty, the data of the all customers will be returned. If the collection is filled, only entries with the given customer ids will be returned. |
Bool | ShowWeekdays | True, if also weekdays shall be returned. |
Bool | ShowMissingdays | True, if also missing workdays shall be returned. Missing workdays are weekdays that are marked as working days. But for that working days are no time entry bookings |
DateTime? | FirstModificationTime | It defines the first modification date to search for time entries. Means all time entries that are amended after the given date. |
DateTime? | LastModificationTime | It defines the latest modification date to search for time entries. Means all time entries that are amended before the given date. |
Bool? | IsImportant | NULL to search both important and unimportant time entries. True to search for important and False to search for unimportant time entries |
Bool? | IsOnSite | NULL to search both on site and offsite entries. True to search for onsite entries and false to search for offsite entries |
Bool? | IsNotInvoiced | NULL to search both invoiced and not invoiced entries. True to search only not invoiced entries. |
Bool | EnhanceWithAuditTrail | True, if the result shall be enhanced with information about who changed or who created the time entries. |
TimeFrameFiltering | TimeFrame | Used to set the logon/logoff time automatically with a constant value AllEntries = 0 UserDefined = 1 CurrentWeek = 2 CurrentMonth = 3 CurrentYear = 4 PreviousWeek = 5 PreviousMonth = 6 PreviousYear = 7 Last30Days = 8 Last3Month = 9 Last6Month = 10 Today = 11 |
bool | MergeOvernightEntries | Flag that indicates whether overnight entries shall be merged |
bool | PreventDataPreview | Flag that prevents the data preview |
Guid[] | IsNotInGroupIds | List of group Ids where the user may not be a member of |
Guid[] | IsInGroupIds | List of group Ids where the user must be a member of |
string | GenericSearch | Generic search within the time entries description |
Guid | CreatedBy | Unique Id of the user who created the time entry filter |
Mit Hilfe dieser Klasse können Zeiteintragsserien erzeugt werden. Zeiteintragsserien starten nie mit einer konkreten Uhrzeit, sondern mit einer Tageszeit. Die konkrete Uhrzeit wird von TimePunch aus dem Arbeitszeitmodell entnommen.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | ProjectId | Unique project Id of the time entry |
Guid | TaskId | Unique Task Id of the time entry |
String | LogonName | Dependent TimePunch Profile |
DateTime | LogonDate | Logon date of the time entry |
DateTime | LogoffDate | Logoff date of the time entry |
TimeOfDay | LogonTimeOfDay | Time of day to start the time entry Morning = 0, Midday = 1, Evening = 2 |
TimeOfDay | LogoffTimeOfDay | Time of day to end the time entry Morning = 0, Midday = 1, Evening = 2 |
String | Description | The description of the time entry |
TimeEntryType | Usage | Define the type of the time entry (WorkTime, DrivingTime, Leave, Sickness, TakeOvertime, BankHoliday, OfficialBankHoliday, Weekend) |
Double | BreakTime | Amount of break time in hours |
Guid | CustomerId | Unique customer Id |
Weekdays | Weekdays | Defines the Weekdays on which the entry series shall be created |